When Jesus entered, the people threw their coats on the ground before him as a sign of respect and one year I was witness to a pastor weave this story into his sermon. At the start of the service he asked us all to be compelled and share our coats. Many coats were handed down to the center aisle and then he instructed the people on the end to throw the coats down in the aisle. Just throw them down! Then the children paraded through the coats, waiving their handmade palms shouting Hosanna, Hosanna to the highest! Hosanna is the Hebrew expression meaning "Save!". Can you visualize the cuteness and joy in the room?! Then the last of the children picked up the coats and piled them at the front of the sanctuary as a visible symbol of outreach to others. The pastor then warned us that this crowd in Jerusalem was eager to join the King, but in just a few days they would bow to political power and desert Jesus. Today is a day that should remind us to guard against superficial acclaim for Christ. The image of the coats piled high up front always stays with me day after day, a reminder to give. The image of the children singing and smiling for Jesus is why I am writing today, to share with all the children the Joy of Jesus's Love!
Today bake some cookies in the shape of a leaf. Buy some palms and place in a prominent spot in your home as a reminder "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!". But most importantly spend time reflecting, answering your children's questions, and reading the story found in Matthew 21:1-11 or Mark 11:1-11.
Attached is another one of my favorites, The Skit Guys. Tommy and Eddie talk about Palm Sunday with great humor; so gather the family and watch this four minute skit.
Happy day friends with much love!
Please leave comments on your day or thoughts to add, I love them!
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