Thursday, March 28, 2013

Beautiful Stinky Feet

Oh beautiful stinky feet!  When's the last time you washed someones feet?  I'm not talking the cute little baby toes we love to kiss.  I'm talking the sandal wearing grown up feet.  The I've had a treacherous day in wool socks feet.  John 13 talks introduces Our Servant King washing beautiful stinky feet.
Here's a little video for you and the family to watch from once again one of my favorites.

 Jesus Storybook Video about The Servant King

Jesus washed the disciples' feet to teach them to serve others.  Even though Jesus was the most important person who ever lived, he still served the disciples.
Think about that.
He got up from his meal and took time to serve and teach.  Lets try to remember in all the busy-ness of our days, that Easter is a season of celebration.  And celebrations accomplish significant things in the lives of God's followers and the people they are witness to.
Could you wash each others feet tonight?  Show your loved ones that you are a servant to them.  Let's teach our children that the gift is in the giving.  Invite God to use your hands to wash the feet of the people He places in your life.

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