Saturday, March 23, 2013

Celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus!

The first day of spring.  New beginnings.  Sunshine and flowers.  These are a few of my favorite things! Lalala-lala  Are you singing now?  I am.  I love Easter.  It is the most wonderful; humbling yet most amazing, time of  the year.  Yep I said it, better than Christmas.  I mean Easter is what Christmas is all about.  
Christmas is the beginning of the story, while Easter is the story!  
It breaks my heart as I walk up and down the aisles of any said store and among all the colored plastic eggs, marshmallow peeps, and chocolate bunnies I can find not a glimpse of Our Savior.  Not even a lamb and that's a lot closer to Jesus than a bunny.  Please note that I'm not saying it's wrong to celebrate as you always have, but wouldn't you like to understand why we have this holiday and how to explain it to you kids.  That's what I hope to accomplish this coming week.  I don't know about you but I want my kids to know the stories of Jesus.  Even when I'm in my everyday common life of motherhood, Jesus wants to intersect in my life. He wants to be a part of your life, too. As we look into the great stories of Jesus' life and death this Easter season, let's invite Jesus to write a story of our own.  

My hope is to just give you a simple and fun 7 day journey into the Holy Week.   Today simply ask yourself - 

Why do I celebrate Easter? 

Here are some quick links to get you excited and really thinking about what a wonderful time of year we have before us.

Check out Phil Vischer's great segment on "What is Easter" from his What’s in the Bible?’s newest DVD, Jesus is the Good News.  My boys were glued to this eleven minute segment asking when we would be receiving the video, it's in transit.  I loved how excited I got when the background music got a bit louder and they say - Jesus saves us from the stains of our sins!

Palm Sunday. This free coloring sheet shows Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey for Palm Sunday. The crowd is shouting Hosanna! and waving Palm branches. Use the link below to print out the drawing and have your kids color it. It's a great starter to the Holy week paralleling Jesus he enters the Holy Land.  Enjoy church services today!

Also check out The Jesus Storybook Bible.  It's on sale at the Kindle store for only $1.99.  It's a wonderful source to share the story of the Bible with young and old.  I am a huge fan of the quick stories and beautiful artwork in this book, and it looks great on the iPad!
Available on Kindle only $1.99

Enjoy your day friends and I look forward to 'seeing' you all tomorrow!
And please leave comments.  
Your comments make me Happy Happy Happy!

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