Jesus in every turn of life. Life on the road, homeschooling, meeting and greeting this wonderful upside down world and everyday musings have me blogging for you my sisters.
They begged to color eggs, kept talking about chocolate bunnies and jelly beans.
I was thinking all our work this past week
had been wasted. Didn't they get it,
get that Easter has nothing to
do with coloring eggs So we colored
eggs because I don't want
to be the mean mom.
I soon realized they do get it, to my surprise, as they lifted their eggs out of the colored cups there was the name, Jesus. And a cross and a heart. They did get it! I don't
need to be afraid to give up traditions, as long as we create new ones with true deep heart felt meaning. My boys humble me, they remind me to be thankful for so much. I can say thank you to Jesus for having to clean up dye
from the table, thank you for the opportunity to wash dye out of clothing, thank you for scrubbing little fingers that will be stained for weeks. And the reminder that our Savior was stained, and died, to save us. And I want to shout Thank You Jesus!
Oh beautiful stinky feet! When's the last time you washed someones feet? I'm not talking the cute little baby toes we love to kiss. I'm talking the sandal wearing grown up feet. The I've had a treacherous day in wool socks feet. John 13 talks introduces Our Servant King washing beautiful stinky feet.
Here's a little video for you and the family to watch from once again one of my favorites.
Jesus washed the disciples' feet to teach them to serve others. Even though Jesus was the most important person who ever lived, he still served the disciples.
Think about that.
He got up from his meal and took time to serve and teach. Lets try to remember in all the busy-ness of our days, that Easter is a season of celebration. And celebrations accomplish significant things in the lives of God's followers and the people they are witness to.
Could you wash each others feet tonight? Show your loved ones that you are a servant to them. Let's teach our children that the gift is in the giving. Invite God to use your hands to wash the feet of the people He places in your life.
I love this picture! It comes to you compliments of a friend that is blessed to live in sunny Wilmington, NC. Thank you Leah! A renewing of old bulbs tucked away for the winter awaiting warm light to bask in and regenerate. Sound like anyone you know? I can't help but to think of Colossians 3:10 "Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like him." We have been forgiven of our sins and because Jesus died for us on the cross, we are free from our old ways. Wow! Allow yourself to be renewed and refreshed like spring bulbs! Learn the heart of God by reading the Bible today and putting into action the teachings of Christ. His love is so strong that He sent his one and only Son to be our Savior.
I have a gentle reminder project for you today.
Simply print this out on some card stock and grab some masking or painters tape and watercolors.
Tape masking tape horizontally over 'Jesus is my Savior' and then one vertically to meet the top of the hill. Tell your munchkins to paint the whole paper, trying to keep colors as vibrant as possible.
Once it's dry, peel off the tape.
We framed one and it hangs above our coats
to remind us of His love before
we head out the door.
The other hangs in the boys room or in his hands outside for a photo opt.
If you have older children and are looking for something more challenging, check out Sunday to Sunday .
This is a pictorial journey through the passion week. A dear friend, Karri, has shared these verse's to go along with the book, it creates wonderful teaching moments and conversations for your family time.
Okay friends, have a wonderful day! We will be busy coloring eggs and dealing with beautiful stinky feet. (Check back to see what we're up to)
A quick little post on one of our favorite projects from last year. Resurrection Eggs are a fun slightly time consuming project that you can keep for years to come. You need an empty egg carton, 12 plastic eggs, and a trinkets from around the house. Each egg holds a trinket that represents a verse. You simply read the verse that corresponds with the symbol of Holy Week. 1. Donkey "They brought the donkey and the colt, placed their cloaks on them, and Jesus sat on them." Matthew 21:7
If you have a small donkey to fit inside your egg great! If not either print out this guy or if you have a little one that loves to create, you can do what we did and make one from polymer clay.
2. Silver coin
“Then one of the twelve disciples, named Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and asked, “What will you give me if I betray Jesus to you?” They counted out thirty silver coins and gave them to him.” Matthew 26: 14-15
Go ahead and throw some silver pieces in. We turned this into a math activity with how many ways can you turn the silver pieces into thirty cents.
3. Bread
“While they were eating Jesus took a piece of bread, gave a prayer of thanks, broke it, and gave it to His disciples. “Take and eat it,” He said, “This is My body.”Matthew 26:26
We used a saltine cracker last year, and it's still looks the same! Gross
4. Praying Hands
"Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done." An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly" Luke 22:42-44
My little guy tried to make praying hands using polymer again, but we finally ended up using a clip art glued to foam. Here you go:
5. Sword
" Then Simon Peter, who had a sword, drew it and struck the high priest's servant, cutting off his right ear. Jesus commanded Peter, "Put your sword away! Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?" John 18:10-11
Yep, you guessed it, a Lego piece!
6. Crown of Thorns
"The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on his head." John 19:2
Here we clipped a piece off of a thorn bush.
7. Cross (We made ours out of toothpicks, but you could also use a piece of jewelry)
“He went out, carrying His cross, and came to “The Place of the Skull,” as it is called. (In Hebrew it is called “ Golgotha.”) There they crucified Him.” John 19: 17-18
My oldest had this done before we even started the project. Glue some toothpicks together.
8. Nails
“There they nailed Jesus to the cross." John 19:18
Any simple nail will do.
9. Sponge
“One of them ran up at once, took a sponge, soaked it in cheap wine, put it on the end of a stick, and tried to make Him drink it.”Matthew 27:48
Just cut a small piece from any old sponge. We tried giving each other a drink of water by soaking a sponge and putting it on a stick. We did get some laughs as we tried to aim and get the sponge to land near our mouths, but then felt somber as we reflected on the fact that Jesus would not drink. Again, hands on learning accentuates emotion.
10. Linen
"He took down Jesus' body, wrapped it in linen cloth and placed it in a tomb cut in the rock, one in which no one had yet been laid." Luke 23:53
A piece of a t-shirt will do. If your more ambitious than I, have your children wrap each other in toilet paper to give a feel of being wrapped.
11. Stone
"Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance." John 20:1
Yep, you have the hang of this now; a small rock.
12. He Has Risen!
"He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee. "The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again." Luke 24:6-7
This egg is empty, He is not there!
My boys at times abhor writing. So last year when we made these I did most of the writing and my oldest did all of the reading (wink-wink). We enjoyed working on this project the Saturday before Palm Sunday, putting it all together in a day. I would love to tell you that we read the verse day by day, but we didn't. We read all of them everyday! The boys wanted to compare the story from different Bibles and Bible books. I would find them playing with a Lego figures riding on our donkey, or soldiers dressing Jesus in a purple robe (he colored the red one he had from little red riding hood). Of course just then Peter would jump in, sword in hand, slashing the ear off of a soldier. A bit out of order, but I loved watching their imaginations and hearts sore. This activity, though a bit long, really instills the story to your children and really creates a wonderful visualization for them.
This video story of Easter done by The Beginners Bible series is slightly elementary but does a wonderful job. It runs about 25 minutes, so take that time to snuggle with your babes in a cozy spot.
One of my dear friends sent me a photo of inspiration yesterday. Check out the palms displayed prominently in their homeschool window. What a wonderful reminder for the week to shout Hosanna! each time someone walks by!
I love Palm Sunday. It's the day that Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey. The people waved palms to honor Him, for palms welcomed royalty. Palm branches are carried in and out of churches today as a reminder as to how Jesus was welcomed into Jerusalem on a horse set for a king donkey! "See, your king comes to you, gentle and riding on a donkey" Matthew 21:5.
When Jesus entered, the people threw their coats on the ground before him as a sign of respect and one year I was witness to a pastor weave this story into his sermon. At the start of the service he asked us all to be compelled and share our coats. Many coats were handed down to the center aisle and then he instructed the people on the end to throw the coats down in the aisle. Just throw them down! Then the children paraded through the coats, waiving their handmade palms shouting Hosanna, Hosanna to the highest! Hosanna is the Hebrew expression meaning "Save!". Can you visualize the cuteness and joy in the room?! Then the last of the children picked up the coats and piled them at the front of the sanctuary as a visible symbol of outreach to others. The pastor then warned us that this crowd in Jerusalem was eager to join the King, but in just a few days they would bow to political power and desert Jesus. Today is a day that should remind us to guard against superficial acclaim for Christ. The image of the coats piled high up front always stays with me day after day, a reminder to give. The image of the children singing and smiling for Jesus is why I am writing today, to share with all the children the Joy of Jesus's Love!
Today bake some cookies in the shape of a leaf. Buy some palms and place in a prominent spot in your home as a reminder "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!". But most importantly spend time reflecting, answering your children's questions, and reading the story found in Matthew 21:1-11 or Mark 11:1-11.
Attached is another one of my favorites, The Skit Guys. Tommy and Eddie talk about Palm Sunday with great humor; so gather the family and watch this four minute skit.
Happy day friends with much love!
Please leave comments on your day or thoughts to add, I love them!
The first day of spring. New beginnings. Sunshine and flowers. These are a few of my favorite things! Lalala-lala Are you singing now? I am. I love Easter. It is the most wonderful; humbling yet most amazing, time of the year. Yep I said it, better than Christmas. I mean Easter is what Christmas is all about. Christmas is the beginning of the story, while Easter is the story!
It breaks my heart as I walk up and down the aisles of any said store and among all the colored plastic eggs, marshmallow peeps, and chocolate bunnies I can find not a glimpse of Our Savior. Not even a lamb and that's a lot closer to Jesus than a bunny. Please note that I'm not saying it's wrong to celebrate as you always have, but wouldn't you like to understand why we have this holiday and how to explain it to you kids. That's what I hope to accomplish this coming week. I don't know about you but I want my kids to know the stories of Jesus. Even when I'm in my everyday common life of motherhood, Jesus wants to intersect in my life. He wants to be a part of your life, too. As we look into the great stories of Jesus' life and death this Easter season, let's invite Jesus to write a story of our own. My hope is to just give you a simple and fun 7 day journey into the Holy Week. Today simply ask yourself -
Why do I celebrate Easter?
Here are some quick links to get you excited and really thinking about what a wonderful time of year we have before us.
Check out Phil Vischer's great segment on "What is Easter" from his What’s in the Bible?’s newest DVD, Jesus is the Good News. My boys were glued to this eleven minute segment asking when we would be receiving the video, it's in transit. I loved how excited I got when the background music got a bit louder and they say - Jesus saves us from the stains of our sins!
Palm Sunday. This free coloring sheet shows Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey for Palm Sunday. The crowd is shouting Hosanna! and waving Palm branches. Use the link below to print out the drawing and have your kids color it. It's a great starter to the Holy week paralleling Jesus he enters the Holy Land. Enjoy church services today!