Monday, September 30, 2013

Iron sharpens iron

I pray you’ll watch a friendship fade— and discover the value of heart-friends who go the distance.

Friendships.  True, undying, hard to hold heart-friends.  They are a precious gift that at times we take for granted.  Flashing back to the school years I can think of two friendships I wish I still had.  Two wonderful people that I barely speak with but would love to sit and get to know them all over again.  I can also live without the friendships lost, the painful change of friendships and cool circles that we all go through.  I can't say I have a huge group of friends that I hang out with and get to go shopping with or have lunch with.  My friends are all over the country.  And I have few that are true heart-friends.  These gals are my whole being though.  It is hard work on both our parts to maintain long distance relationships and while social media makes it a bit easier, I miss being close to them.  I have one amazing faith that we will all sit and sip tea in a beautifully perfect garden laughing at all our trials and adventures in life.  I believe that Abraham Lincoln and Charlotte Mason will be joining us for our tea too.  God puts these people on my path, for me to learn from, and for me to be the exhorter that I am with them.  True heart-friends are a gift and I want my boys to learn what a true friendship is and how to truly treasure it.  I have plenty of casual relationships, but I have learned the true loving that real spiritual relationships bring me.  I pray daily to God to help us see the importance of our travels and why we have met the friends that we have.  I pray that God gives us that nudge to make that phone call and write that letter so that our friends know we love them.  I pray my boys learn to be the friend they desire to have. That they will learn Proverbs 27:17 and know that casual relationships don't lead to iron sharpening iron.

"Bring them heart-friends, Lord. Friends who believe in you. Friends whom they can encourage, and in turn, friends who will encourage them to be more like you created them to be." Today talk with your kids and ask them what makes a good friend.  Ask what qualities are important to them in a friendship.  Then pick up the phone and actually call a heart-friend!

Sunday, September 29, 2013


I pray you’ll press through heartbreak— and be better able to identify true love.

I met a friend in our travels that taught me something that never crossed my mind.  Well actually that happens a lot and I'm pretty sure that's why God put me on this path, to open my mind and heart to others.  Anywho... She introduced me to praying now for my boys hearts and the hearts of their future spouses.  Wow, isn't that cool?!  And here it is again in our prayers today.  It's never to soon to start praying for our children's hearts, because they will need it.  I want them to know to go to God with a broken heart and know he will heal it.  They need to know that God uses all things for good, even heartbreak.

Not my job

I pray that when you are broken— you’ll discover that, in healing, you grow stronger.

Praying one of the hardest upside-down prayer today because it is so difficult to see our children hurting.  I want to take the place of God as the fixer of all bad things that come their way.  But I realize it is not my job.  Only He can and should fill that place.  I know his was of healing will be so much better than what I could ever accomplish, but still.  I know I can't heal my child's broken heart, but He can.  "Give me strength when I have to support my child as he suffers through his own time of brokenness. Give me the words that will point him to you. Help each of us to draw nearer to you in our shared pain, so that we might emerge from the valley stronger in our faith and ready to share in your joy" AMEN

Every saint has a past

I pray you’ll be disappointed in people— and realize that we’re all fallible, sinful, and redeemable.

Mentorship; it is vital for our walk with Christ.  Please reach out and find a mentor.  If you have a love for your mentor, find someone to mentor yourself because you know firsthand how good it is!  We sheep need someone to encourage us to give our best in discipleship.  We need to remember that magic word; Grace.  How we all are human and we all sin and it is the enemy that is on the prowl, not us.  "Oscar Wilde said, “Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.”  I love that. When we recognize that all the “saints” we’ve placed on pedestals struggled to get to that place of honor— and likely struggle to maintain their virtue— and when we look at our fellow sinners with the view that they’re saints in training, just like us  …   we begin to spend less time wallowing in disappointment and despair, and more time awash in God’s love. 
Grace. Peace. Forgiveness. Hope. Vision."

Bigger than food and shelter

I pray you’ll face financial hardship— and see how God is after something bigger than food and shelter.

It takes us all a long time to be able to look into our past days and see that God uses financial strife to bring us to Him and remind us that we are not our own masters.  Financial hardships are a big stressor in todays lives.  Our family has learned so much from losing a house and our pride to loving the radical and strange path God has us on.  Ten years ago if you would have told me I was broke I would have laughed at you.  Five years ago if you would have told me I would quit my job, live in a RV and homeschooled my children I would have been hysterical.  But God, he has such a great sense of humor.  He said, 'Oh yeah, you are going to do this because I am the Master and I have something that you need!'  Ten years ago I wasn't just broke, I was broken.  And I had no idea how awesome my life was going to get!  All I need to do is look to God and with all my being put my trust in him.  I know that He has the best plan for me and I want my children to know this too.
Today I want our children to learn at an early age that ALL blessings come from God and it is our place to seek Him first, not the blessings, and He will take care of us!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Why that boat?

I pray you’ll take crazy risks— and dare to adventure where your Shepherd leads.

What would you do if an out-of-work man walked up to you
wearing worn out sandals and said; follow me.  Could you get up and leave everything you know behind.
Just the other day I was talking with my sis-in-law and she asked; 'Why do you think Jesus choose that boat?  Surely there were many other boats out that day.  Take notice when Jesus chooses you, calls you for something.  Great things are to come of His calling to you'.  Sigh; I love her ability to see outside the box
and take notice of such context.

I want the covenant relationship that Peter and Andrew developed by taking that radical step, and I want it for my children even more.  If they had not followed, they may have missed the chance to witness the good news being spread across the world!  Charles Spurgeon  interpreted Matthew 4:18-20 as; "It is not "Follow me, because of what you are already." It is not "Follow me, because you may make something of yourselves;" but, "Follow me, because of what I will make you."
As parents we need to step back and watch as Jesus calls our babes and says follow Me.  While prayerfully cheering them on we will watch our fishers of men grow and pursue brave and courageous discipleship.  "Lord, make my child a risk-taker, an adventure-seeker after the biggest adrenaline rush of all: your kingdom action. Infuse her with your wisdom to discern when to exercise caution and when to abandon it, all the while trusting in you. Use us all as your servants, Lord. Lead us. We are yours." Amen.

Friday, September 20, 2013

3 days in 1

Day 18
I pray you’ll have to wait— and learn the value of patience.

To let go and rest in faith...ahhh!  Doesn't that sound nice?  Wait; you mean let go and watch my kiddos struggle, be flustered and agitated?  But I have to fix it!  No, I don't.  We must realize that our children's impatience simply awakens our frustrations.  Oh, how we all could use just a little patience ... ya ya... oh wait sorry, I got caught up in song there.  Anywho, this patient thing is important, it's a fruit of the spirit and as Lisa states, "But in the waiting, we all come to grips with the fact that we are not in control. We’re compelled to trust the God who rules. We rediscover the value of patience and why it’s listed as one of the gifts of the Spirit, along with such things as love, joy, and peace (Galatians 5: 22– 23)."  Knowing this maybe today I can control the running over and rescuing my babies and know that in the waiting I can trust the what is and not the what might be.

Day 19
I pray you’ll have selective hearing— deaf to all but the Father’s voice.

Twenty-four hour noise.  That is what our children have today from music to internet to texting to school to sports to lessons to even our loving voices.  Has God's voice ever become a shout to you in order to shake you and get your attention?  What response do you think your young ones would give you if you asked them what they thought God's voice was like?  And for your older children; could they decipher God's voice in their heats and know how to seek His comfort?  
I needed to take a couple of days to pray and just meditate on God's word; hence the three day blog today.  I found myself getting up early still, yes, but previously because I was hitting my computer keys I would get lost in the world wide web, email and other social media.  My bible was dusty and the noise was unbearable for the rest of the day.  Yes, I have the YouVersion Bible on my phone and Kindle for the book but I need to feel the pages of my bible and really melt into them.  Today I am refreshed and ready to blog because I have rested and heard His voice nudge me once again to do this.  
"I want to hear you, Father. I want to make time for you, first. I want to be in constant communication with you, feeling your joy, your pain. Obeying your will. Make me deaf to anything other than you, first. Amen."

Day 20
I pray you’ll know fear— and find courage in living with God beside you.

How often do you find yourself saying, but if I had this bigger better thing than I might not be so afraid?  I can battle anything with bigger and better.  Is that what David said up against Goliath?  All David had was a slingshot and a whole-lotta faith.  I love going back to the story of David, especially with my boys because, well, who doesn't love the triumph of an underdog?!  Lisa puts it plainly yet so strongly, "Regardless of what life brings— be they rivers that threaten to drown us or fires that might burn us— our God walks beside us (Isaiah 43: 2). And if we were created by him and for him to be with him, ultimately, that’s where we have to rest. There, in that sweet spot, fear is absent, courage fills us, and peace rules."  I want to be there and I want my boys to be there.  They need to know that God has got their back when they walk into a new crowd, if someone thinks they are weird, if they don't quite fit in.  They need to know that God has bigger plans for them!


"And if our God is for us, then who can be against us"  
Gather your kids and sing out loud in praise today with Chris Tomlin's Our God!!!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Better than the fowls

"I pray you'll that you'll loose a job - and know that your Provider has not forgotten you."

Have you or your spouse ever been out of a job?  Have you had to explain to your kids that you, as a family, simply can't afford this or that?  Have you been able to trust in your God and know that he has a plan, as He does the raven, a nest for you?

We have struggled in the past financially and when we lost our home nine years ago we were not Christians.  We were lost, frightened and humiliated.  It was so hard to ask for help, but we had to, we had a three month old baby and no where to live.  But family triumphed and soon enough we had a roof over our head and a year later we bought our own house.  In that time I did a lot of growing and learning and believing.  In that time Jesus opened the door and said Hello, I'm here, you are not alone so come in and stay a while.

Of course I didn't see the gift of loss right then.  Most of us don't because well quite frankly, it's not easy to take the focus off our misery.  I have prayed for numerous friends that have lost jobs, money, houses, and when I and they look back, we can see the new beginnings and say thank you Jesus!  Lisa explains God's provisions, "Our children need to know that God provides in different ways— sometimes through a paying job, and sometimes through family and friends and the Body, his church. When we rely on God’s strength rather than on our own skills, and when we accept whatever means he uses to “come through” for us, we can face setbacks and trials with confidence, trusting in him through it all."  Most of us adults have a hard time stopping and saying "Is this a want or a need?"  We need to show our children that we take the time and ask Jesus to guide us away from our fleshy, irrational, erratic and emotional want decisions and see if it is truly a need.  I don't know about you but at times I can be very child-like and stomp and say I need.  So I will be learning and praying this prayer for my myself as well as my boys.

Sunday, September 15, 2013


"I pray you'll be farsighted - and able to see where our God is leading us."

Oh the days we get so wrapped up in the moment and then forget to look beyond ourselves and to our God.  My daily prayers seem to be about the moment and the demands of the day.  So when it comes to our kids I like how Lisa suggests being sure another mentor is in their lives to help them build a relationship with Jesus.  "Find a solid mentor who challenges them to go deeper (because trust me, at some point, they’d rather hear it from someone besides us parents); teach them to live a life that others want “a piece of”— exuding a sweet attitude that draws others near; and encourage them to shut out the noise and busyness of life enough to slow down and focus on where God is leading."
Do you have a solid mentor in your life as well?  Someone who can help keep you on path and keep you real.  

Saturday, September 14, 2013

This very moment

"I pray you'll be nearsighted - focusing on the present."
This is the day the Lord has made, let us be glad and rejoice in it.  How many times have you heard that and really, truly lived it?  How awesome is it to know that our Lord wants us to enjoy this very moment!  Are you forward-focused?  Do you love your plan and your schedule and dreaming of what may come?  Or are you a fly by the seat, what's a calendar kinda gal?  No matter which catagory you fall into, you are victim to today's fast paced, I want more, make it better society.  
I don't know about you, but I want my boys to see God in everything.  I believe the way to do that is to slow down and take in all our surroundings wherever we are.
We are missing the here and now.  This day that the Lord has made. Make it a point today to love what is happening right at this very moment so I'll stop to take-it-all-in moments!

(My view this morning, the Mighty Mississippi)

"Help my family live in and appreciate the moment. Help us to recognize your gifts in the people we meet, the activities of the day— everything we can reach out and touch. And please help my children to cling to The Moment rather than obsessing about Tomorrow. Grant us your sight, Lord. Make us aware of what you want us to see, notice, and experience. Amen."

Friday, September 13, 2013

Broken mirrors

"I pray you'll be shattered - and allow God to build you up again."
Yeah, um.....
If this isn't a doozy of a prayer to pray over our babes, huh?  Job's story is hard to swallow.  The breaking down and breaking down and breaking down of ourselves to be made better by Him.  Lisa uses the analogy of us appearing like antique mirrors with some of the silver flaking off even shattering at times.  But Christ heals us and rebuilds our mirror with new clear pieces that look more like Jesus and less like us.  "As time goes on the glass becomes fused, we'll gaze into that shattered-now-rebuilt mirror and see less of ourselves, more of him. And others will see it too."
Today's prayer ends simply "And make our humble lives something that glorifies You, regardless of what it takes to get there."

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Clinging to hope

"I pray you'll suffer loss - and witness how your Creator can use all things for good."

Suffering and loss.  We will all have to face it.  It's inevitable in our fallen, imperfect world.  No matter how prepared you think you are for it, no matter economic status or spiritual maturity - loss comes.  We have but one hope, our Jesus and his promise.  
Loss comes on various levels, from the loss of a home due to foreclosure to the loss of a loved one. Every time we enter a new town we make friends.  We enjoy our time together, and we learn from them and then we have to leave.  With leaving come the tears from me and my boys and my husbands heart melts for us.  It's there.  We know every time that we will be leaving and that tears will be shed but I wouldn't trade the opportunity to get to know all the wonderful people we have come to call friends.  I love Lisa's wise words in regards to loss;  "To cope, my kids had to know that it was okay to feel agony, but they also needed to cling to hope."  Should we never dare to live?  Shall we just sit and pray no bad will come our way?  That is not God's plan for any of us!  The losses that we may suffer in this journey, even those that seem beyond comprehension, are to simply bring us closer to God.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Constant Companion

"I pray you'll know what it is to be lonely - and find intimacy with the One who is always beside you."
If I was allowed to quote more than 100 words I would quote this whole chapter!  And OH how it is hard to pray my boys will be lonely.  Who wants to see their babies lonely. Not I!  I live this battle and it wasn't always so accepted and guarded by me.  For those who are not familiar with our life style; we travel this beautiful country as per my husbands job.  We have a forty foot RV and just this year we have been 'living' in Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Washington and Tennessee.  

I love this shot taken in the hills of eastern Washington.  
Do you look at it and think loneliness or do you see that the road behind us 
paves our ways ahead through friendships and things learned?

Loneliness.  Yes I've met him.  Shaken hands with him even.  He hangs around me, dishing out those feelings; you know the ones, 'no one understands me, no one believes in me, no one is on my side'.  He is waiting for me to give just one minute to him instead of my Savior.  Haha I laugh at him.  My Savior put me on this path, He is always by my side.  He is the author of my journey.

And thank goodness I have Jesus to guide me in teaching my boys about this thing called loneliness.  At times, yes, it is heartbreaking to see them lonely.  But they too have hiked the path laid before them and stomped on the weeds of loneliness.  They have developed wonderful friendships throughout this country and they have learned what true friendships are.  And most importantly they are learning with us, Momma and Dad, to let Him fill our empty rather than the easier less-than.  

"Constant Companion," (don't you just love how Lisa addresses Jesus, I'm totally adopting that)
"You understand me when no one else does.  Thank you for always being present for me and my children when we need you.  Help us discover a strong and vibrant relationship with you.  Help us to seek you out consistently, not just when we feel lost. Amen."

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


"I pray you'll feel foolish - and know that the wise obey God anyway."

I find it very interesting that this is the prayer for today being that is my firstborns birthday and my oh my does he hate to be embarrassed.  And well; who doesn't?  I have always battled the full blown tomato red face, always.  So I feel for him, I know and understand that horrible feeling of wanting to just crawl under a rock or desk or hat and hide.  
It's hard to serve Christ when our dignity may be on the line.  Pride is there, whispering 'it's all about me'.  What if in my blog I have a negative effect on how others view Jesus?  WHAT!  I have had these thoughts just as Lisa says and thank goodness she put it in perspective "Nothing can prevent Christ's purposes form being accomplished, even the mighty Me".  Haha I just love this book!  Anyone else finding that it is more for us as the parents than for our little bundles of joy?
From today's prayer: "Help me to teach my children to set aside pride and be willing to give their all-everything in them and in their life-for your cause...Give us your perspective, Lord, and help us to bear the blows to our pride with character-building honor.  Amen"
Have a wonderful day and step out and be embarrassed just once today!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Have you not heard?

"I pray you'll get so weary you give up - and learn that with submission comes strength".

From day 7's prayer: "Forgive me for relying on my own strength, for looking to you last, out of desperation, rather than first." I want my boys to learn NOW that god is not a last resort but our primary source of strength! Submission to Him is not weakness! Have you not heard?

Friday, September 6, 2013

Hard work

"I pray you'll sweat - and learn what it means to work hard for what's worthwhile". Today's prayer is so fitting for our first week of school, isn't it? The first week can drain us whether your sending tired summer drained kids back to the classroom or starting/continuing to school at home. It takes diligence. I pray diligence for my boys daily because I want them to know the value of hard work. I painted Galatians 6:9 on canvas and hung it in my bedroom for me. I see it every night before I sleep and every morning while getting ready for the day. I love this verse and how it gently reminds me why I do what I do. A wonderful resource is Confessions of a homeschooler 10 days of character studies. Day one is diligence and I recommend downloading and using this resource to show your children what the value of hard work truly means.
And if anything, Lisa does an excellent job of gently reminding us that "the things in life that come easily are rarely the things that bring us fulfillment and joy. Superficial relationships. Stuff that money can buy. Activities that fill our days but don't make life fulfilling. These aren't the things that we'll value over time or remember as turning points, defining events that shaped our lives". Our calling towards excellence comes from our King and only through His strength can we accomplish this. So dig deeper today and sweat a bit making real memories!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Whose compass?

"I pray you'll get lost- and discover you have the Compass within to help you find your way". Being lost is scary. Feeling lost is completely devastating. Have you been there?
Today's prayer is frightening and hard for me. In the past five years I have had to learn to no longer plan a course of action on my feelings and what I'm comfortable doing, but listen to the Spirit who knows and shows me where to go and what to do. As I look back over those years I see an incredible growth in our little family unit. And instead of being sad and feeling overwhelming lonely, I picture myself on the other end of God's bungee cord. As Lisa says in this chapter and I have heard before " when we become believers, it's like we're on one end of a very long bungee cord and Jesus is on the other. We might wander far and wide, but never farther or wider than he can reach" . When it comes to our children, we need to let them get just a bit lost so they recognize they are on a road that isn't one God wants them on and then watch as they reach up to hold their Abba Daddy's hand.
Is it hard for you to rely completely on God to put you on your one true north?


"I pray you'll weep - and feel free to express both tears of anguish and tears of joy". Emotions. They are, at times, hard to decipher even for we 'distinguished adults'! I cry...a lot, always have. The hardest part is I almost always cry during worship Sunday mornings. Now this would be fine if I was surrounded by the same congregation every Sunday. Cradled in the embrace and friendly smiles that I see from afar as I observe these wonderful church families. But as many of you know, we travel all across our beautiful country. We have been to countless sermons and worship hours in many places I may never step foot into again. And I stand there with my hands turned to Jesus clutching tissues and tears streaming down by face. My boys see this and ask in the truck after service, "Why mamma, why do you cry every time you sing?"
Tears of joy, I say. I welcome the tears, (well not always, I used to get mad my mascara was messed up. I got waterproof mascara). Tears are a rush of feelings, feeling moved means feeling life! If I can't show emotion, if my husband doesn't show emotion, how will our boys ever be able to handle the rush of emotions that will be thrown at them?
When my boys are embarrassed that they cry, we read John 11:35 "Jesus wept". It's okay to cry, tears of anguish and tears of joy!
Do you find tears, yours or others, an uncomfortable situation to be in? Take a moment today to talk with your family about how tears are not a sign of weakness and how we can be unafraid to show the world that our love and emotions come from the inside out.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


"I pray you'll have to forgive someone who doesn't deserve it - and find the peace that forgiveness brings". This is one of those days that I think everyone should have this book. Lisa does a wonderful job really expressing how we as parents get offended and indignant when others hurt our children. And although we all know Jesus tells us to forgive seventy-seven times over (that's our verse for the day Matthew 18:21-22), and we pray hard for guidance in forgiveness, do we truly understand forgiveness. Do we portray the grace Jesus gave to us? Do we teach our children by acts, not words, to do the same?
"We are constantly in need of forgiveness ourselves - no less than anyone who has sinned against us. Forgiveness benefits those who freely grant it, even if the perpetrator doesn't confess". How many times I have repeated those words to myself! I have found after praying on this I don't miss the time that I spent miserable and can live in joy and peace and complete contentment! Who can you forgive today?

Sunday, September 1, 2013

What matters

Wow, this was so hard for me the first time I read through this book. It's taken me years to back off, stop hovering and let them persevere after their defeat.  And I'm not even close to letting go!  Psalm 37:23-24,27 says "though he stumbles, he will not fall, for The Lord upholds him with his hand..."  I have to really truly trust God in what He has planned for them.  I have to let them fail, watch them find their need for Jesus on their own and pray (a lot) to my Heavenly Father. We in today's society get caught up in medals, trophies, and report cards and forget what matters to God. We forget to exercise the gifts in his name with service, support, empathy, mercy, grace and love.  I love Lisa's prayer where is says: "When my children are chasing success down paths that lead away from you, I trust you enough to let them fail and lead them toward a more fulfilling life."  Has failing at something ever ended up being a good thing for you or your kids? 

Getting caught

About two years ago I met a mom that prayed every morning hand in hand with her two boys before they headed out the door to school. The prayer was simple. I pray you get caught doing wrong and confess to Jesus tonight. It worked. Those boys would come home and tell their mamma their 'wrongs' for the day then thy would pray.  One day I happened to be there and I couldn't help but giggle as the younger gave a sigh and a smile and said "sometimes I wish that prayer didn't work, I always get caught!"  Haha he couldn't have been more right. 

Today's prayer "I pray you'll get caught doing things wrong-and find the good and true path" is taken straight from Psalm25:4-5. I love how Lisa relates this to all of us. We face decisions every day and don't always recognize them. And I, just like the author, wish God would shake me and say what are you doing?! "But for all of us, parents and kids alike, acknowledging the fact we've been on the wrong path- and seeking God's redirection- is the first step toward the path of wholeness". 
So today lets pray to be the better role models, to be aware of our circumstances and have the courage to correct our and our children's mistakes. 


Thursday, August 29, 2013

Septembers not quite 31 days

Summers just about over- whaaaaa :( sniff sniff. Time for school to begin along with all our worries and concerns for our children. Taking just a couple minutes a day can be life altering for you and your children along with growing your relationships. And the best part? 
This pertains to all guardians! It does :) You don't need to be a homeschooler or a parent of young ones. You just need to have a child in your life: on your heart. 
Check out this book Upside-Down Prayers for Parents by Lisa T. Bergren. We will be going through the book for the month of September, so join us. It will be wonderful to have you share your thoughts too.  

 Join me and do these simple steps:
1. Join the book club. It’s easy. All you have to do is throw a comment down below;  “I want to join the book club!”
2. Buy the book. Find it on amazon for your kindle or order now so you have it by September 1st!
3. Open it up and enjoy. Glance through, then check in on my facebook page where we will meet daily. I welcome all your comments for a full discussion.
4. Read Day 1 on September 1st.  Day 1 snip-it: "I pray you'll get caught doing things wrong and find the good and true path." Don't forget to let me know you’ve read it and are praying this upside down prayer for your kids and with us! 
5. Continue step 4 for the entire month of September.  Can't wait to delve into this with some fantastic people... Yeah you, you joined didn't you?!
So, who’s ready to be turned upside down?!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

31 upside down days

Did you know that this pertains to all parents?  It does :) You don't need to be a homeschooler or a parent of young ones. You just need to have a child in your life: on your heart. 
Check out this book Upside-Down Prayers for Parents by Lisa T. Bergren. We will be going through the book for the month of September, so please all you moms, dads, grandmas and everyone else, I really want to share this with you.  

 Join me and do these simple steps:
1. Join the book club. It’s easy. All you have to do is throw a comment down below;  “I want to join the book club!”
2. Buy the book. Find it on amazon for your kindle or order now so you have it by September 1st!
3. Open it up and enjoy. Glance through, then check in on my facebook page where we will meet daily. I welcome all your comments for a full discussion.
4. Read Day 1 on September 1st.  Day 1 snip-it: "I pray you'll get caught doing things wrong and find the good and true path." Don't forget to let me know you’ve read it and are praying this upside down prayer for your kids and with us! 
5. Continue step 4 for the entire month of September.  Can't wait to delve into this with some fantastic people... Yeah you, you joined didn't you?!
So, who’s ready to be turned upside down?!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

On the road again

Today we begin an eighteen day trek into country we have not yet explored. Our first adventure is the Avenue of the Giants...the boys really want to drive through a sequoia. I don't think we'll fit!

Do you pray before you travel? 

A Vacation Prayer (pg 180; “My Daily Orthodox Prayer Book”)

Dear Lord, how we’ve waited for this vacation, and now it’s finally here.  Thank You, Lord, for the opportunity to take a break from our daily routines and to replenish our minds, bodies and souls so they we may better serve You.  Sometimes our expectations for vacations are unrealistic,, and we find ourselves disappointed when things don’t go our way.  Help us not to worry about having the ‘perfect’ vaction but to relax and enjoy every moment, whatever it may bring.  We are grateful for the joys that await us-whether they be the beauty of your creation, recreation with family or friends, or peace and solitude.  Watch over us and protect us as we travel, and brings us safely home again-refreshed and renewed.  Amen.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Thank You

They begged to color eggs, kept talking about chocolate bunnies and jelly beans.  
I was thinking all our work this past week 
had been wasted.  Didn't they get it, 
get that Easter has nothing to 
do with coloring eggs  So we colored 
eggs because I don't want 
to be the mean mom.

I soon realized they do get it, to my surprise, as they lifted their eggs out of the colored cups there was the name, Jesus.  And a cross and a heart.  They did get it!  I don't
need to be afraid to give up traditions, as long as we create new ones with true deep heart felt meaning.  My boys humble me, they remind me to be thankful for so much.  I can say thank you to Jesus for having to clean up dye
from the table,  thank you for the opportunity to wash dye out of clothing, thank you for scrubbing little fingers that will be stained for weeks.  And the reminder that our Savior was stained, and died, to save us.  And I want to shout Thank You Jesus!  

Again Thank You Jesus!  
Then whisper, Thank You for saving me.

Happy Easter

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Beautiful Stinky Feet

Oh beautiful stinky feet!  When's the last time you washed someones feet?  I'm not talking the cute little baby toes we love to kiss.  I'm talking the sandal wearing grown up feet.  The I've had a treacherous day in wool socks feet.  John 13 talks introduces Our Servant King washing beautiful stinky feet.
Here's a little video for you and the family to watch from once again one of my favorites.

 Jesus Storybook Video about The Servant King

Jesus washed the disciples' feet to teach them to serve others.  Even though Jesus was the most important person who ever lived, he still served the disciples.
Think about that.
He got up from his meal and took time to serve and teach.  Lets try to remember in all the busy-ness of our days, that Easter is a season of celebration.  And celebrations accomplish significant things in the lives of God's followers and the people they are witness to.
Could you wash each others feet tonight?  Show your loved ones that you are a servant to them.  Let's teach our children that the gift is in the giving.  Invite God to use your hands to wash the feet of the people He places in your life.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Be Renewed

I love this picture! It comes to you compliments of a friend that is blessed to live in sunny Wilmington, NC.  Thank you Leah!  A renewing of old bulbs tucked away for the winter awaiting warm light to bask in and regenerate.  Sound like anyone you know?  I can't help but to think of Colossians 3:10 "Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like him."  We have been forgiven of our sins and because Jesus died for us on the cross, we are free from our old ways.  Wow!  Allow yourself to be renewed and refreshed like spring bulbs!  Learn the heart of God by reading the Bible today and putting into action the teachings of Christ.  His love is so strong that He sent his one and only Son to    be our Savior. 
I have a gentle reminder project for you today.
Simply print this out on some card stock and grab some masking or painters tape and watercolors.

Tape masking tape horizontally over 'Jesus is my Savior' and then one vertically to meet the top of the hill.  Tell your munchkins to paint the whole paper, trying to keep colors as vibrant as possible.  
Once it's dry, peel off the tape. 

We framed one and it hangs above our coats 
to remind us of His love before 
we head out the door. 

The other hangs in the boys room or in his hands outside for a photo opt.

If you have older children and are looking for something more challenging, check out Sunday to Sunday .
This is a pictorial journey through the passion week.  A dear friend, Karri, has shared these verse's to go along with the book, it creates wonderful teaching moments and conversations for your family time.

Okay friends, have a wonderful day!  We will be busy coloring eggs and dealing with beautiful stinky feet.  (Check back to see what we're up to)