Tuesday, September 3, 2013


"I pray you'll have to forgive someone who doesn't deserve it - and find the peace that forgiveness brings". This is one of those days that I think everyone should have this book. Lisa does a wonderful job really expressing how we as parents get offended and indignant when others hurt our children. And although we all know Jesus tells us to forgive seventy-seven times over (that's our verse for the day Matthew 18:21-22), and we pray hard for guidance in forgiveness, do we truly understand forgiveness. Do we portray the grace Jesus gave to us? Do we teach our children by acts, not words, to do the same?
"We are constantly in need of forgiveness ourselves - no less than anyone who has sinned against us. Forgiveness benefits those who freely grant it, even if the perpetrator doesn't confess". How many times I have repeated those words to myself! I have found after praying on this I don't miss the time that I spent miserable and can live in joy and peace and complete contentment! Who can you forgive today?

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