Tuesday, September 10, 2013


"I pray you'll feel foolish - and know that the wise obey God anyway."

I find it very interesting that this is the prayer for today being that is my firstborns birthday and my oh my does he hate to be embarrassed.  And well; who doesn't?  I have always battled the full blown tomato red face, always.  So I feel for him, I know and understand that horrible feeling of wanting to just crawl under a rock or desk or hat and hide.  
It's hard to serve Christ when our dignity may be on the line.  Pride is there, whispering 'it's all about me'.  What if in my blog I have a negative effect on how others view Jesus?  WHAT!  I have had these thoughts just as Lisa says and thank goodness she put it in perspective "Nothing can prevent Christ's purposes form being accomplished, even the mighty Me".  Haha I just love this book!  Anyone else finding that it is more for us as the parents than for our little bundles of joy?
From today's prayer: "Help me to teach my children to set aside pride and be willing to give their all-everything in them and in their life-for your cause...Give us your perspective, Lord, and help us to bear the blows to our pride with character-building honor.  Amen"
Have a wonderful day and step out and be embarrassed just once today!

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