Friendships. True, undying, hard to hold heart-friends. They are a precious gift that at times we take for granted. Flashing back to the school years I can think of two friendships I wish I still had. Two wonderful people that I barely speak with but would love to sit and get to know them all over again. I can also live without the friendships lost, the painful change of friendships and cool circles that we all go through. I can't say I have a huge group of friends that I hang out with and get to go shopping with or have lunch with. My friends are all over the country. And I have few that are true heart-friends. These gals are my whole being though. It is hard work on both our parts to maintain long distance relationships and while social media makes it a bit easier, I miss being close to them. I have one amazing faith that we will all sit and sip tea in a beautifully perfect garden laughing at all our trials and adventures in life. I believe that Abraham Lincoln and Charlotte Mason will be joining us for our tea too. God puts these people on my path, for me to learn from, and for me to be the exhorter that I am with them. True heart-friends are a gift and I want my boys to learn what a true friendship is and how to truly treasure it. I have plenty of casual relationships, but I have learned the true loving that real spiritual relationships bring me. I pray daily to God to help us see the importance of our travels and why we have met the friends that we have. I pray that God gives us that nudge to make that phone call and write that letter so that our friends know we love them. I pray my boys learn to be the friend they desire to have. That they will learn Proverbs 27:17 and know that casual relationships don't lead to iron sharpening iron.
"Bring them heart-friends, Lord. Friends who believe in you. Friends whom they can encourage, and in turn, friends who will encourage them to be more like you created them to be." Today talk with your kids and ask them what makes a good friend. Ask what qualities are important to them in a friendship. Then pick up the phone and actually call a heart-friend!